
Azzawiya Oil Refining Co

The new town of Ras Lanuf, for the National Oil Company, was located on the Mediterranean shore line on a site of 480 hectares and was to provide accommodation for a population of 10,000, to be build in two phases.The refinery has a capacity of 220,000 barrels per day (35,000 m3/d).

Gar Younis University

Gar Younis University

The Master Plan of the University Campus included a Dormitory Zone for 5,000 study bedrooms, to be built in three phases, with the central kitchens and dining halls constructed in 2 phases.

Al Fateh University

Al Fateh University

The site, on the south-east outskirts of the city of Tripoli, is undulating and was at one time farmed by Italians who left many small buildings and avenues of trees.

Garyournis University

Garyournis University

The site on the Mediterranean about 8km south of the city of Benghazi covers some 325 hectares of virtually flat land.