Business Intelligence Reporting

Every client and businessmen want to understand how the cost of running a building. For extensive property portfolios, visibility of business-critical performance is no mean feat; but visibility of the performance of suppliers is what our business intelligence reporting brings.

At James Cubitt and Partners, we have the right combination of technical and accounting professional which not only demonstrates past and current performance, but shows vital return on investment (ROI) information.

For complete understanding and facilitating JCP’s IT developers provides a tailored reporting and information service to help our clients make better-informed decisions.

JCP’s performance management systems make client always on top of every situation in particular areas of the client’s estate, putting you in control of your facilities management (FM) operations so that you can take steps to improve them where needed.

Finally, JCP monitor performance identifies trends, provide transparency and present this information in a digestible form, so you can ensure that your property suppliers – including JCP comply with their service level agreements.